In the Mankato Free Press article about Wednesday's pre-trial omnibus hearing for Jeremy Giefer, staff writer Dan Nienaber reports that accused sex offender Jeremy Giefer has hired a private attorney:
Giefer is not in custody. After he was able to post large bail bonds in November and January, eventually totaling $350,000, prosecutors raised questions about whether he qualified for a public defender. Giefer gave notice Tuesday he had switched from a public defender to [Mark] Kelly, who is a private criminal law attorney with the Klemp & Stanton law firm in Mendota Heights. [hyperlink added by Bluestem]
UPDATE Kelly's most high profile case to date may have been that of former KFAN-AM sports radio talk show host Jeffery Dubay, who was charged in October 2008 with felony fifth-degree cocaine possession, entered a pre-trial diversion program, but later violated the terms of his probation (Case No. 62-CR-08-14166; Case ID=1612205461). [end update]
Pardoned in 2008 for a 1996 sexual assault conviction by the state board of pardons, Giefer is accused of sexual assault and incest. Because former Governor Tim Pawlenty is exploring running for president, the case gaine statewide attention after Bluestem first broke the news of the 2008 pardon of the accused Vernon Center resident.
Hiring more expensive counsel may not have netted Giefer the results he sought at Wednesday's hearing. Nienaber reports:
A suspected sex offender’s request to delay providing a DNA sample was denied by a Blue Earth County District Court Judge Wednesday.
Judge Bradley Walker issued an order in December allowing a DNA sample to be taken from 37-year-old Jeremy Giefer of Vernon Center. Giefer was in jail at the time, but a sample wasn’t taken.
Read the whole story at the Mankato Free Press.
Update: Court records online (Case No. 07-CR-10-4341; CaseID=1614103258) indicate that the court set the following conditions for the defendant:
Interim Condition for Giefer, Jeremy Alan
- Stay a reasonable distance away from victim's residence
- Pay bail - Conditions, other - Keep court/attorney informed of current address - No alcohol/controlled substance use - No contact with victim(s) - No contact with witness(es) - No possession of alcohol or drugs - Random testing - Make all future court appearances - No use or possession of firearms or dangerous weapons - Domestic No Contact - GPS Monitoring |
Photo: Jeremy Giefer and his wife, who was his first victim in the 1996 case (above); former Governor Tim Pawlenty (below).
Related posts: Pardoned by Pawlenty board in 2008, sex offender hit with criminal sex, incest charges
Star Tribune picks up Giefer pardon story, drops ball by forgetting Sjodin tragedy
The Pawlenty pardon update: blog roundup; Giefer back in court
Pawlenty pardon update: incidents in the life of Jeremy Giefer in 2008
City Pages update: Giefer in court, more pre-pardon details emerge