It's not just the Minnesota Progressive Project pointing out the burning stupidity of Steve Drazkowski's latest stroke of genius.
The Mankato Free Press gives Draz an enormous "thumbs down" in Don't make God pay for budget deficit:
To a plan approved by the Republican-controlled Minnesota House environment and natural resources committee to harvest black walnut trees in Frontenac and Whitewater State Parks as a way to shore up Minnesota’s budget deficit.
Now, apparently, even God must share the sacrifice of balancing Minnesota’s budget.
Cutting black walnut trees in state parks has got to be one of the all-time most ridiculous proposals ever for raising revenue to balance a budget. Minnesotans should be outraged. . . .. . .Thumbs down to Rep. Steve Drazkowski, R-Mazeppa, from suggesting this legislation and thumbs down to those Republicans on the environmental committee who voted in favor of this bad idea that takes an ax to Minnesota’s natural beauty.
And how much would this bring to the state's coffers? The Pioneer Press reports that Draz has no idea:
The DNR couldn't say Thursday how many black walnut trees are in the two southeastern Minnesota state parks. Earning money from them simply hasn't been a consideration.
"Our position is that we manage state parks for our natural resources,'' said state parks director Courtland Nelson. He added, "While there may be a short financial gain, there clearly would be a loss of the natural resource values.''
Drazkowski couldn't estimate how much income black-walnut logging could generate.
Lovely. Some laws are made by fools, I see, but only God can make a tree.
Photo: Run, Mr. Fox Squirrel, run.