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Apr 19, 2011


Hazel Stone

Being totally against government, unless it is the $30M to build the infrastructure for a giant biomedical development in his district! Which still has not materialized!


Hazel Stone

Sorry, $40 million.

"The Elk Run interchange is a $40 million to $45 million taxpayer-funded project."


Don't forget replacing group home workers with baby monitors!

Tommi Rocko

Sounds as if Draz is "getting to you." He has the guts to do what others only talk about. Wonder if you will post this or if all posts must agree with you!! We'll see!

Bluestem replies: You lose.

And standard though empty conservative talking point about figures of ridicule "getting to" someone. However, it may be a mirror for your own trolling of this site with vapid insults.

Hazel Stone

He's certainly "getting to" millions of my tax dollars!

Phoenix Woman

Tommi, your GOP lege pals have been cutting taxes like crazy back to when Tim Pawlenty ran the House in the late '90s. Tell NARNie Mitch to give you a new talking point, one based in reality this time.

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