Over at the City Pages, Jessica Lussenhop reports in a Blotter post, Michele Bachmann unsure if being gay is a public health crisis, Bachmann refused to answer the question and asked for another.
But Glenn Gruenhagen, the Minnesota Legislature's current resident crusader against the all-powerful and destructive undisciplined male sex drive--harmful even when directed toward the ladies, but exponentially tsunamic when paired with another dude--has the answer. Yes.
And the panic's not just for gays anymore.
Gruenhagen bemoaned the health risk of dudes kissing as early as 2004, in ’Til death do us 'impart' describes gay vows, a letter to the McLeod County Chronicle. He was quite certain about that "risky" threat--and was an equal-opportunity missionary against variety. Naughty straights are on the highway to hell as well.
He writes:
’Til Death Do Us “Impart”
The above title is my suggestion for gay marriage vows. In the Netherlands, where gay marriage is legal, the average gay marriage lasts 1.5 years. During that time, the average married homosexual has eight additional sexual partners per year, greatly increasing their risk of contracting deadly STDs and “imparting death” to their partner.
. ..First, the practice of sodomy is an addictive, sexual perversion that spreads sickness, disease, pain, suffering and death — whether practiced by heterosexuals or homosexuals. The public health laws in our country have always prohibited sodomy because of the medical consequences. It is an historical fact that all 13 colonies had laws against sodomy, even for married heterosexuals.
Gruenhagen has argued that alcoholism isn't a disease. Sodomy, though, is an addictive perversion with a health care agenda:
Second, what the gay rights activists really want is for the government to legalize homosexual marriages and for the rest of Americans to pick up the billions of dollars of health care costs to pay for the practice of their perversions.
. . .This is a wakeup call to Americans who still believe in our Constitution. Our Constitution has never guaranteed individuals the right to practice sexually perverted behaviors that spread disease and death to other individuals.
"Throwing condoms" at the problem is wrong, Gruenhagen asserts:
Currently the CDC estimates 8,000 teen-agers per day contract STDs (socially transmitted diseases) in our country and the liberals’ answer is to throw more latex condoms at the problem.
Perhpas Glenn just needs a lesson about condom use for something other than water balloons. I don't recall throwing them at a "problem."
Be that as it may, boys and girls, The Gruenators's in the House now to protect us against the consequences of our dirty, naughty passions:
...The compassionate political position is to help individuals who practice sexual perversions to stop that behavior before they destroy themselves and threaten the economic and social welfare of this nation. Remember, strong families equal a strong nation.
Oh, behave!
Image: Tild interprets the prescription for the public health risk of the male sex drive and sodomy. "She had the experience of an older woman, the morals of a liberal, and all of the intertubes for her wanton playground."
In honor of Bachmann's stunned speechlessness, may I present Michelle Shocked?
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Apr 12, 2011 at 10:57 PM