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May 23, 2011


Diane Hellie

I don't normally shop at Walmart but stopped at the Fergus Falls Walmart on my way back to Rochester from Thief River Falls in December. Bradlee Dean's group was fundraising outside the store. I sent an ethics complaint to corporate Walmart and never received a response. I find this upsetting because I work for a major corporation and if a customer sends a comment we are required to send a response.

Phoenix Woman

Wow. Wal-Mart's trying to clean up its image and make like it's a good corporate citizen -- and yet it allows Bradlee Dean's people to darken their doors? Not smart, Wal-Mart execs.


They've apparently never heard that phrase about there being no such thing as "bad" publicity.


"You Can Run But You Can't Hide is a troop of Girl Scouts selling those scrumptious cookies" s/b "is not" ?
Nice piece, SJS.


Thanks for the proofing, David. Pretty exhausted when I drafted that.

Noah Hanson

Nice work. They are in Litchfield as well, never bothered to check on who they are. I don't mind groups like the Salvation Army collecting, but obviously people trying to convert youth to arcane religious law annoy me.

One thing I wonder, why were you even pulled over? You had done nothing wrong, and it seems to me that a police intervention was unneeded.

Shannon Drury

Could this young man be in search of a guaranteed personality?! Nice work on a great video that deserves to go viral!

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