Former yarn entrepreneur and current state senator Gretchen Hoffman, last seen on the Bluestem Prairie bloviating about how her family's business was forced into exile in her native North Dakota where it's always been, has committed to defending the rights of "homosexuals."
Allowing them to marry, however, in her mind, would lead to "social and societal ills," and she was only thinking of the children when she voted to place the marriage inequality amendment on the 2012 ballot.
The Fergus Falls Journal reports in Hoffman votes yes on gay marriage referendum:
“We just decided that this is a decision the state of Minnesota should make.”
So said District 10 Senator Gretchen Hoffman on her decision to vote in favor of placing a gay marriage referendum on state ballots next year. . . .
While Hoffman would not say how she would vote if the amendment makes to the 2012 ballot, she did say that “redefining what marriage means” could lead to social and societal ills, ills she already sees as she sits on the Health and Human Services Committee.
“(The cause of) just about all of our programs that we are spend so much money on I can point to the dissolution of families,” she said, adding that non-traditional family structures are not as conducive for raising children and forming productive societies.
“It’s been proven (that) what children need is a mother and a dad,” she said.
Hoffman seems unaware that in states that have banned gay marriage, divorce rates are up. Perhaps her blinders are a result of thinking of the children, rather than examining facts about the adults. If she wishes to save money by promoting stable families, maybe she'll secretly vote no once she shows her ID at her polling place.
But there's more. In her own eyes, the yarn queen and starched Republican is a defender of gay rights. The article continues:
Hoffman added that she does not see the issue as one of civil rights.
“Marriage is not a right,” she said. “It’s a responsibility and an obligation.”
She added that homosexuals are free to assemble, bear arms, worship how they chose and access every other right guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution.
“I would defend anybody’s rights,” she said.
Let Bluestem be the first to suggest that Fergus Falls is the perfect location for gay Raelians to assemble for a skeet shoot. If the event is designed intelligently enough, Hoffman might even join you.
Photos: ARAMIS members (top); State senator Gretchen Hoffman (bottom).