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Jun 10, 2011


Jeff Wilfahrt

Cookie jar, cookie jar,
What do I see,
It's only the hand of the GOP.

Nice gotcha' Sally Jo!

Jeff Wilfahrt, Rosemount, MN


So, How much is STB making off those three conflicting gigs. I always love when an anti Gummint, anti public sector employee is sucking off the public teat themselves (at least x 2) It's a campaign commercial that writes itself!

Bluestem note: For now, Deputy Chair of the Republican Party of Minnesota is a volunteer position. I do not know what his salary or salaries are for the state senate positions, though an enterprising report might be able to pry that information out.


via -> http://www.startribune.com/politics/114022089.html

At the Capitol, his salary was less than $54,000 when he was the Senate Republican communications director. When he added the duties as executive assistant to the majority leader, his pay rose to $94,000

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