As late as yesterday at 11:15 a.m., this was the line-up for Senator Hoffman's budget rally, via the Fergus Fall Daily Journal news brief, Hoffman budget rally today [UPDATED]:
Senator Gretchen Hoffman has organized a rally on the state budget at 5:30 p.m. today at N.P. Park. Radio host Scott Hennen is emceeing the event, and other speakers include Hoffman, Rep. Mary Fransen, and Danielle Saul, Fergus Falls resident and chairperson of the Minnesota State University Moorhead College Republicans, as well as others.
Speakers will be talking about the budget situation at the State Capitol. Admission is free.
However, something changed, and an hour or so later, this line-up appeared on Senator Hoffman's Facebook page:
Today is rally day! I'm looking forward to seeing everybody at the Fergus Falls rally today at 5:30 in NP Park! Scott Hennen will be MC'ing and I am happy to welcome Senators Parry and DeKruif as well as Representative Franson to SD10 for the rally. Other speakers include constituents from the district and there will be open mic time for a discussion about the Minnesota budget.
Why did Michael Brodkorb feel the need for re-enforcements from Southern Minnesota for the rally? Do Parry and Dekruif's constituents feel that their own senators' time is best spent in a district on the other side of the state? Shouldn't they be taking questions about the shutdown in Senate Districts 25 and 26?
I eagerly look forward to read news accounts of the rally and seeing YouTubes of what were no doubt stirring speeches.
Scenes from the ideological struggle in Fergus Falls, Minnesota
Update: The Fergus Falls Daily Journal has posted A rally for conservatism [UPDATED]. Some gems:
“We have been told in our classes over and over that being successful and making lots of money is bad, while we are being shown that if you do not work, you are often rewarded,” said Danielle Saul, Fergus Falls resident and president of the Minnesota State University College Republicans. “This mentality needs to end now, with my generation, and you have the chance to show us that hard work and perseverance are two characteristics that will not be forgotten.”
Saul, who was Hoffman's intern this past session, is sounding awfully like Hoffman herself. Perhaps they both could get a bit more specific and tell the general public which classes they enrolled in on Not Being Successful. None of my college friends have shared this experience with me--indeed, one includes a statement from a professor among his Facebook quotations: "Don't let anyone tell you otherwise, having money is better."
But perhaps my young friends have had very different experiences than Danielle and thus are not in a position to parrot Hoffman's view of college.
Though billed as a budget rally, the topics of the gathering were wide ranging. Health care advocate Twila Brase spoke about stopping President Barack Obama’s health care plan, attorney and GOP activist Peter Balega thanked the nation’s servicemen and told attendees that they were engaged in an ideological struggle, and Hennen kept the crowd laughing with his lampooning of government and the news media (including jokes that State Government Innovation Committee is “an oxymoron” and that he sometimes refers to the Star Tribune newspaper as “The Star and Sickle.”)
But one theme was woven through all of the speakers’ talks: their frustration with DFL Governor Mark Dayton.
Hoffman, Senator Rick Parry and Senator Al DeKruif all spoke of Dayton’s unwillingness to compromise and inconsistency as a negotiator, with Parry going so far as saying that Dayton has been planning for a shutdown before the legislative session ended. . . .
In short, the usual template.
Photo and screenshot: Mike Parry, Waseca, traveled to Fergus Falls yesterday as a last minute guest at Senator Hoffman's rally (top); Hoffman's Facebook posting, captured about 11:30 a.m. today, with the time stamp, "23 hours ago." Image added at 11:42 a.m.(below).
Note: the title of this post has been changed from "Tales of Hoffman: Senate Majority Leader Brodkorb sends Parry and Dekruif to Fergus Falls rally" to improve your snark intake.
Are you sure Brodkorb sent Parry? Yesterday Parry tweeted:
"Former Chief of Police of Perham speaking now at Fergus Falls Tea party rally."
Either Parry is confused about the party he represents or the MNGOP is ceding control and brand to the Tea Party.
Posted by: Charlie Quimby | Jun 29, 2011 at 12:37 PM
An excellent point, Mr. Quimby.
Posted by: Sally Jo Sorensen | Jun 29, 2011 at 01:01 PM