Yesterday, in The Emo Senator: Mike Parry calls for Governor Dayton's resignation, cites feelings, trust fund, Bluestem asked:
Income during the shutdown? Dayton is refusing his paycheck, the Free Press reported in earlier in June. Parry? Good question, but not one Bluestem can answer via online sources or databases like Nexis. At the St. Cloud Times, Mark Sommerhauser notes that 14 of 66 members of the Minnesota senate have "opted not to receive their July paychecks" in Despite shutdown, many lawmakers take checks; the paper only mentions the decisions by local representatives in the Granite City.
Thank heavens for readers like Max Hailperin, who supplied an answer in Bluestem's comment section:
Actually, Parry answered this in another Free Press article [ State shutdown: Q&A with local legislators].
"Will you collect any pay or per diem, now or later, for the period that state government is shut down?...
Parry: 'Absolutely. We’re citizen-legislators. We’re paid for five months of work, $31,000. They spread it out throughout the year.
I’m working. I’m on- call. I’ll continue to accept that salary the citizens have given us.'”
So Dayton isn't taking his salary, while Parry continues to take his own (after whining about its size when his taking the fullest possible per diem became news), as Bluestem posted in Suddenly socialist Mike Parry demands pay according to his needs.
Okay then. Maybe show up for a parade or two in your district while you're on call, Mike, instead of letting poor Dave Senjem take the heat.
In the Mankato Free Press Q & A, the other Mankato-area Senators--Julie Rosen, Kathy Sheran, and Al DeKruif--pledged not to take per diem related to the shutdown during or after the event, with Rosen and Sheran refusing pay. DeKruif tied his decision on pay to follow whatever Minneapolis Senator Larry Pogemiller was doing.
Related posts: The Emo Senator: Mike Parry calls for Governor Dayton's resignation, cites feelings, trust fund
The Emo Senator, part 2: Mike Parry cries crocodile tears over laid-off state workers
MPR's awesome blossom; or, who represents Blooming Prairie in the Minnesota Senate?
Suddenly socialist Mike Parry demands pay according to his needs