Alarmed that invasive aquatic vegetation like Eurasian Water Milfoil and Curly-leaf pondweed may infest more of Minnesota's 10,000 lakes as a result of the state government shutdown, some Minnesota lake associations are asking for the state to shut down public accesses on infested lakes.
At Diamond Lake, just north of Atwater in Kandiyohi County, concerned citizens have taken matters into their own hands, patrolling boat landings to make sure boat owners clean their craft at the launch.
The West Central Tribune reports in Residents move to close lake accesses to stop infestation:
After enduring a week long state government shutdown, citizens are taking matters into their own hands to protect area lakes.
According to the Department of Natural Resource website, about 2,000 employees were laid off last week leaving about 220 employed. The layoffs have prompted some Minnesota lake associations to urge legislators to treat public lakes like public parks allowing no access.
WDAY News in Detroit Lakes reported Friday that three Minnesota lakes groups, including one in Becker County, are pushing legislators to close public access to the 360 infested lakes during the shutdown.
Terry Frazee, executive secretary of the Green Lake Property Owners Association, said he has sent letters to Gov. Mark Dayton and DNR Commissioner Tom Landwehr asking them to close the lake accesses.
Frazee said contamination is the biggest concern for the property owners association as Green Lake currently has Eurasian Water Milfoil infesting its water. He said the property owners just want to make sure boats are cleaned off. . . .
Want to get a friendly reminder to clean your water wells and prop? Well do you, punk? Then try Diamond Lake:
With a lack of presence by the DNR, Diamond Lake residents have started voluntarily patrolling accesses during holidays and other events, according to Jim Teschendorf, vice-president of the Diamond Lake Area Recreational Association.
But it's not the lake association's doing:
And as of Friday afternoon, Teschendorf said the association directors were slated to hold their monthly meeting this morning and he had not seen or heard any possible discussion of the issue.
He said the board is comprised of representatives of property owners from around the lake and, “if there was a large group that wanted to step forward then the board would pursue it,” he said.
The paper reports that others are simply calling for thoughtfulness on the part of lake visitors:
Calvin said he has received e-mails regarding the issue of closing the lake accesses but boils the problem down to personal responsibility by the boat owners rather then relying on the DNR.
“Coming from a known contaminated lake be courteous, of other citizens and decontaminate boat prior to reentering a lake in the county,” he said.
Images: Even Harry Callahan would use a water pistol for this gig (above); Diamond Lake (below).