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Jul 05, 2011



The "late Jim Ramstad"? I've heard of RINOs being dead to today's MNGOP, but this seems extreme.

Mike Worcester

Is there any video of that heckling? I have seen the written reports, but video, or even audio, of that incident would speak volumes.

Sally Jo Sorensen

I've asked The Uptake about the episode. Apparently, all of the legislators jeering--mostly freshman, I'm told--positioned themselves behind the cameras. Thus, while videographers could hear the catcalls, they didn't record them since they were taping Dayton. A number of journalists who were there have mentioned the display.

I've heard one person mentioned as the ringleader for the Republicans, but have not been able to confirm this, although the source is pretty reliable. What can I say? Some people just can't go out in public.

Phoenix Woman

The current crop of Republicans are the social conservatives (or their ideological children) who in 1990 preferred Jon Grunseth and Allen Quist to Arne Carlson.

We all know how that worked out.

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