Mike Parry has claimed that Governor Dayton has no feelings for the situation of state workers and should resign, but a Cleveland MN resident is having none of it.
In flooding earlier this year, MNDOT employee Michael Struck, Cleveland was swept away by flood water and drowned while at work. The tragedy was compounded when it was discovered that Struck's widow and children would receive only a $191 month pension.
Moved by the family's plight, Governor Dayton proposed an increased pension that would have brought the benefits to the level of that of a state patrol officer killed in the line of duty. Dayton wrote back in April:
Mike Struck gave his life in service of the people of Minnesota. It would be shameful to leave his widow and her two young children with a pension of less than $2300 a year. My proposed legislation shows them the compassion that their terrible loss deserves. The people of Minnesota will know in their hearts that this is the right thing to do.
That's the background for Greg Davis's letter to the editor in the Mankato Free Press,Parry should look at himself, then resign. The Cleveland resident writes:
So, Sen. Mike Parry thinks Gov. Mark Dayton should resign because the governor “has no feelings” regarding the state workers being out of work (Free Press, July 3).
Just where were your feelings toward state workers, Sen. Parry, when you helped strip out a provision, backed by Dayton, that would have made a Minnesota Department of Transportation worker’s pension much more equitable? The worker was killed in the line of action this spring during flooding.
And you, Parry, have said you are going to accept your pay during this shutdown, even though several of your fellow Republicans have said they wouldn’t?
Davis has a point. Justifying his taking of full per diem for the legislative session, Parry complained that his senate salary was his only source of income during the session, as Bluestem chronicled in Suddenly socialist Mike Parry demands pay according to his needs.
Later he patted self on back for compassion toward the employees at his Godfather's Pizza, thus revealing another income source in an interview with Doug Grow at Minnpost.
Parry seems to have no trouble taking money for his "needs," but doesn't seem to have had much consideration for Struck's widow and kids.
Image: Parry's crocodile tears.