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Jul 04, 2011


Max Hailperin

"Income during the shutdown? Dayton is refusing his paycheck, the Free Press reported in earlier in June. Parry? Good question, but not one Bluestem can answer via online sources or databases like Nexis."

Actually, Parry answered this in another Free Press article. http://mankatofreepress.com/closerlook/x925650708/State-shutdown-Q-A-with-local-legislators

"Will you collect any pay or per diem, now or later, for the period that state government is shut down?


Parry: 'Absolutely. We’re citizen-legislators. We’re paid for five months of work, $31,000. They spread it out throughout the year.

I’m working. I’m on- call. I’ll continue to accept that salary the citizens have given us.'”

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