A short July 8 letter to the editor in the Mankato Free Press moved the Divine Tild to PhotoShop a new logo (okay, so Bluestem politely asked her for this) as an illustration.
Roy McCabe of Madison Lake wrote:
I see by your recent article asking the local politicians questions regarding the budget that Republicans haven’t changed their stance one bit. That is, stick it to the middle class and protect the rich.
I think they should change their logo from an elephant to a bullhead.
We need a recall election.
Love the logo, absolutely precious.
I can just feel the slimy skin and prickly barbs.
Jeff Wilfahrt, Rosemount, MN
Posted by: Jeff Wilfahrt | Jul 14, 2011 at 12:21 AM
Where did Tild find the photo of Tony Sutton?
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Jul 14, 2011 at 10:26 PM