Rather old news, but the Red Wing Republican Eagle reported earlier this week that City backs sand moratorium:
Loud applause was heard from a handful of Save the Bluffs members Monday night after the Red Wing City Council unanimously voted to support the citizen group in its request for a moratorium on silica sand mining in the county.
Although the city of Red Wing does not have jurisdiction on the county matter, Save the Bluffs brought its moratorium idea to a past City Council meeting in hopes of gathering support to show county commissioners there are a lot of concerns circling the issue.
The vote by the city council joins the growing list of local government bodies that have expressed such concerns. The Red Wing Advisory Planning Commission and the Sustainability Commission, the Hay Creek Town Board and Florence Town Board have also vote to support a moratorium.
As one Goodhue County commissioner said,
“I think there’s a lot more to this than meets the eye,” Commissioner Ron Allen said last week. “That’s why I’m not ready to vote on it and let the county get ripped apart with their sand operations.”
Read the article at the Eagle.
Photo: Aerial view of the potential mine site.
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