As we tune in this morning to another episode of Emo Senator, Southern Minnesota's best loved telenovela, we find the Belle of Waseca County engaging in an inappropriate relationship.
With himself.
The Owatonna People's Press reports in Parry: Senjem is right choice to push GOP agenda:
Parry, whose district includes all of Steele County, called it “a great honor” to be selected by the caucus to lead the headline-grabbing, closed-door session to replace Amy Koch, who resigned amid revelations she had an inappropriate relationship with a Senate staffer.
“I told my colleagues we were going to run this like a committee meeting with the kind of decorum and everything that I like to have,” Parry said in reference to Tuesday’s meeting. “It was a long day. We discussed many things about the last 10 to 15 days that have happened, got through all of that, took a break for lunch and came back and finished up some more discussions and then started up the election process.”
Because everybody knows how decorous our dear Emo Senator is. Not to mention laconic. But he goes on:
“I think most importantly we have a leader who, even when he was in the minority, was a very solid minority leader and he knows a lot of people. He’s a great fundraiser, and he and Sen. Koch worked hand-in-hand to win us the majority in 2010 and he’s planning on making sure that happens again in 2012,” Parry said. “Some people might say, ‘Well gosh, he’s 69 years old.’ Well this guy has got sometimes I think way more energy than I do, and you know, I’ve got a heck of a lot of energy.”
Parry likened Senjem to the Energizer Bunny, saying he “never quits and is on unlimited battery power.”
The scriptwriter has read a lot about Dave Senjem, but has yet to read comments about his age. Perhaps this is an internal Republican debate. The article does mention that four Senators initially put themselves forward for consideration, and after talking a long time, only two remained. They talked more and a vote was held.
Our hero wouldn't name the names of the other candidates, but Gary Dahms did tell the New Ulm Journal in Dahms praises Senjem election:
Dahms said he though both candidates, Senjem and Sen. David Hann, would have been excellent for the position. He said that he hopes that Senjem will better fit for helping to meet rural Minnesota's needs. . . .
He said Senjem is very good at being able to reach across the aisle, which he said will be very useful this next legislative session.
Take that, Owatonna headline! Other newspapers also stress Senjem's ability to compromise, rather than push a "GOP agenda." The Mankato Free Press editorial board writes inOur View: A good choice for Senate GOP:
Senjem doesn’t see compromise as a dirty word, and the leaders of the Republican Party who were advocating such with virility are now gone.
While the Emo Senator may miss Micheal Brodkorb's virility, he still has Ben Golnik. And then there's Mike Parry's own high sense of self-regard.
The editors of Senjem's hometown paper note:
We don't know what went on during that lengthy meeting, but it's the conclusion that matters, and in this case, we couldn't be more pleased. Senjem is a uniter, not a divider, and that bodes well for the upcoming legislative session.
Furthermore, we applaud Senate Republicans' decision to do what we'll call an "extreme makeover" of their leadership. The GOP badly bungled its handling of the scandals that embroiled Sen. Amy Koch and communications director Michael Brodkorb. . . .
Will Senjem keep Mike Parry in as high profile as Brodkorb positioned him?
Will a struggling caucus pour as much attention on a one-term senator who will be leaving office to run for congress as the former Senate majority communications director (and volunteer de facto congressional campaign manager did)?
At least Emo still has Ben Golnik to love him.
Tune in to future episodes!
Image: Mike Parry as envisioned by the divine Tild.
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