Bluestem keeps tabs on tea party chapters in Greater Minnesota so readers don't have to. It's a public service; we wouldn't want families heading out to enjoy the lakes, rivers and prairie suddenly becalmed in a sea of lawn chairs and speeches about the evils of Agenda 21.
Readers should beware of a coming Tea Party "major event" in Alexandria, MN, on September 8 at the Geneva Christian Center. According to a pdf on the Alexandria Lakes Area Tea Party website, a pivotal figure in the movement will appear:
Lloyd Marcus, who calls himself a Proud Unhyphenated American, will be in Alexandria on September 8, 2012, at the Geneva Christian Center at 10 a.m. Lloyd is an Entertainer/Spokesperson/Author/Keynote Speaker and involved in the Tea Party Movement. He will tell you why this coming election is so critical and why he cares!
While Lloyd Marcus is probably not a household name among the hoi polloi, he's a hero among the Tea Party set for writing the American Tea Party Anthem:
Marcus is also the head of a group intended to warm the hearts of non-Obama supporters: The Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama.
Unfortunately, according the CNN report, Conservative group to target Romney, Marcus also once held principled objections to having Mitt Romney become the Republican nominee for president:
"If you support the principles of the Republican Party platform, as I do, then it's important that we make sure the GOP nominates someone who has supported and fought for those principles. On almost every single important issue facing America today, Mitt Romney has fought against conservatives and Republicans. He's been a liberal on fiscal issues, a liberal on social issues, and a liberal on national security issues," says Lloyd Marcus, Chairman of Campaign to Defeat Barack Obama, in a statement to CNN.
Those sentiments earned Marcus a mention on the Maddow Show.
However, being a principled Republican and conservative, Marcus has changed his tune as his options to Defeat Barack Obama narrowed. Just last month, AFP's Michael Mathes reported in US health care ruling fires up Romney camp:
"Perhaps the Supreme Court ruling is a blessing in disguise," said Lloyd Marcus, a blogger for Tea Party Express, an influential group in the conservative tea party movement that advocates smaller government and reduced taxes.
"I believe the Supreme Court ruling in favor of 'Obamacare' will unify a majority of Americans to crawl over broken glass and walk across burning hot coals to vote for Mitt Romney."
As troll connoisseurs, we admire the audacity. But Lloyd Marcus doesn't just punch buttons on the right. Of late, he's been putting out guaranteed troll bait for the left. There's the title of a recent column that would make the Allen Quist of the last century blush with envy, NAACP furthers mission of KKK.
And such content:
In the heat of passion during a radio interview, I said,"The NAACP, Congressional Black Caucus and Democratic Party are more destructive to blacks than the KKK!"
After the radio show, I thought my statement may have been a bit over the top. Upon further thought, I concluded that my statement is true. . . .
In his most recent column, he prays for his own family to escape the wrath of the NAACP:
Ironically, these particular relatives are the upper-crust of our family; teachers, doctors and ministers. And yet, they think me an Uncle Tom for loving my country and not carrying a NAACP membership card. They think it unfathomable that I, a black person, campaigned against the first black president. I pray for them. They are slaves who are not liberated from the Democrats' tiny black box plantation.
Surely, the family that prays together, stays together, whatever they may think of each other. Marcus's biography notes:
. . .over the past several decades, he has become something of a human lightning rod for almost every political, social, racial, sexual and religious tension in American society.
While some in the Alex Lakes Area may "crawl over broken glass and walk across burning hot coals" to catch Marcus's appearance, we're curious just how many folks right and left will take the bait and get outraged at his "a bit over the top" statements or radical inconsistency on Romney. Now, that's entertainment.
Photo: Representative Michele Bachmann and Lloyd Marcus. Marcus asked his readers "have you seen the shock and awe campaign launched by the liberal media to destroy Bachmann, since officially throwing her hat into the presidential ring a few days ago?" Bluestem suspects that, like Bachmann, Marcus cultivates the shocking and nurtures offended sensibilities all the way to the bank. Or Alexandria, as it may be.
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