While writers at Minnpost and Minnesota Conservatives see right-wing fear of the United Nation's Agenda 21 as the bright new shiny thing Republicans are chasing, Bluestem has been chronicling its long tail among the Gopher state's right flank.
We've looked at its provenance via Allen Quist and Michele Bachmann, as well as the journey of a bill sponsored by David Brown through Mike Parry's state senate committee--and the pending addition of an anti-Agenda 21 resolution to the RNC platform.
Now Brown will speak to the legislation at a SW Metro Tea Party gathering:
July 16th - MN Legislation to Stop Agenda 21 with Sen. David Brown followed by a Call to Action with Rollie Neve
Cindy Pugh, founder of the SWMTP and apparent Islamophobe, recently secured the Republican endorsement in 33B, upstaging 11-term Republican incumbent Steve Smith. Smith apparently is not conservative enough.
To understand the new normal for conservatives in Carver County, it might be useful to take a look at the second speaker, Chanhassen's barbershop tenor songbird and John Birch Society member Rolland "Rollie" Neve, who also serves as one of two first vice chairs of the local county GOP party.
Neve's been promoting Agenda 21 awareness for months at whatever venue he can find. The tenor sang this tune at a December 5, 2011 City of Chanhassen council meeting, warning members and the public about the dark side of stormwater management. The mandates of the federal Clean Water Act smacked of Agenda 21, the pale blue hand of the UN reaching down to strangle Rollie's liberty. Forget about water quality: it's a trap.
By the time the City Council heard his testimony, Never was well-versed in the conspiracy theory. Quist had spoken to the group about Agenda 21 in July, 2011 and Neve gave a talk in November about "RESTORING OUR REPUBLIC RESOURCES FROM JBS With Rollie Neve, SWMTP Member and John Birch Society Chapter Leader."
He shared an update in January on the Behind the Green Curtain Conference. From the invitation:
As a member of a select group of people including Minnesota Legislators and County Sheriffs, you are invited to participate in our upcoming conference, Behind the Green Curtain.
"Agenda 21 is a comprehensive plan of action to be taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments, and Major Groups in every area in which human impacts on the environment." This is the the first paragraph of the United Nations web page for Agenda 21.Whether you agree or disagree with the UN global environmental initiatives, it is important for public officials and ordinary citizens to understand how this aggressive agenda is currently appearing in community planning, our schools and government funding schemes.Our speakers include, Professor Allen Quist, Marjorie Holsten, Esq. and other special guests.
Neve was the SW Metro Tea Party featured speaker on April 2:
Rollie Neve spoke on “Exposing the Threat of Agenda 21”, in which he explained what Agenda 21 is, and that the actual agenda is radical environmentalism. Each of us received a folder of John Birch Society information that is very helpful in understanding Agenda 21’s mission of coming into local governments and overruling our elected officials, the connections to ICLEI, and how ignorance is our worst enemy in combatting Agenda 21. We must “learn more”, “tell others”, and “take action”. Rollie provided us with ways of alerting and defeating Agenda 21, which has already had 20 years of powerful backing. Recommended reading: Shadows of Power which discusses the unholy alliance between congress and the federal reserve. The Council on Foreign Relations consists of thousands of members whose agenda is to undermine the Constitution and turn us into a one world system.
Question from Tom K: Who should we talk to locally?
Answer: Start with County Commissioner and dig into the staff. Find out if they even know what Agenda 21 is.
With folks like that keeping company with Cindy Pugh, it's no wonder that an Independent group [was] set up for MN Rep. Steve Smith, as the Star Tribune reported. Smith also received the endorsement of the Carpenters Union.
Will Smith be able to hammer together a Main Street coalition to outflank the extreme right that forms Pugh's base? Should Pugh win the primary, she's a strong bet to win the general election in red district. Should this happen, Tea Partiers at the Chanhassen Rec Center would be the only ones hearing about Brown's "MN Legislation to Stop Agenda 21" in 2013.
Note: If you like the research that went into this post, please consider making a contributing to Bluestem during our July Sixth Anniversary online "bleg."
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Photo: Rollie Neve
Related posts: January thaw: Minnesota Tea Party events boldly explore classic paranoid style political bugaboos
Missing in Minnpost: Are Quistian soldiers training at Tea Party Agenda 21 bootcamps yet?
Another MN blogger wants you to believe GOP Agenda 21 fretting is shiny new crazy (it's not)