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Jul 18, 2012


Charlie Quimby

As a former corporate manager and business owner, I will say it's impossible for a boss to know much about the non-work activities of employees, especially when they are activities the employee wants to conceal.

In a large organization like the SoS office, it's not realistic for Kiffmeyer or Ritchie to have known about a lower-level employee's fraud. It is, however, relevant that Kiffmeyer (or her office) hired someone without verifying her identity.

It's clear that a photo ID was used to get past much closer scrutiny than a voter will ever face.

The hiring (and the ID issuance) occurred under the Pawlenty/Kiffmeyer/Molnau regime and had nothing to do with Ritchie, it appears.

Also, it's not at all clear what happened to the real Ms. Ayoola. Ritchie's statement appears to indicate he now knows George registered and voted under the assumed name. But if the real Ayoola is alive and in Minnesota, how does he know it was George and not Ayoola who voted?

Finally, was George entitled to vote under her legal name but instead voted under her alias? Did this prevent the real Ayoola from voting? If not, and George didn't vote twice, there was no effect on the elections.

And a voter ID will straighten out none of this.

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