Over at Minnpost, this afternoon's Glean includes the closing paragraph from Bradlee Dean must pay attorney fees to Rachel Maddow, Minnesota Independent, Andy Mannix's summation of the facts:
Bradlee Dean, the self-proclaimed anti-gay minister, has himself a fat new legal bill. Andy Mannix at City Pages writes: “About a year ago, after filing a libel lawsuit against MSNBC host Rachel Maddow and the Minnesota Independent, controversial preacher Bradlee Dean sounded pretty confident. His attorney, Larry Klayman, even declared that Maddow's career was effectively finished. It turns out that might have been a little premature. Though the case is still active, a Washington D.C. judge has ordered that Dean and his ministry, You Run But You Cannot Hide International, must pay Maddow and the since-defunct Independent attorney fees to the tune of $24,625.23, according to court records. Dean filed the suit last summer, arguing Maddow and the Independent's Andy Birkey defamed him by taking an excerpt from his radio show out of context. … Since Ken Avidor broke the news this weekend, the judge's ruling seems to have sent a ripple of joy through the blogosphere — particularly bloggers like Bluestem Prairie's Sally Jo Sorensen and Phoenix Woman."
Today's Blotter sums up a new thread in the misadventures of You Run But You Cannot Hide International's misadventures with Aaron Rupar's post, Hy-Vee store director apologizes for letting Bradlee Dean's ministry fundraise on-site:
Last weekend, Bradlee Dean's You Can Run But You Cannot Hide troupe was stationed at a Newton, Iowa Hy-Vee, soliciting donations with the permission of store management.
You Can Run But You Cannot Hide representatives told managers the group is "a suicide prevention organization." In practice, of course, the group is more focused on denouncing homosexuality and decrying abortion, but this wasn't the first time You Can Run But You Cannot Hide has used the 'suicide prevention' story to gain permission to fundraise at a business.
Some customers donated to Dean's organization without realizing what their dollars might be supporting. And as has been the case in previously instances, some of them, after doing some research into Dean's organization, later contacted Hy-Vee management to ask why the hell You Can Run But You Cannot Hide was given permission to solicit on store premises. Today, the Newton store director issued a public apology.
Rupar notes that Hy-Vee is known as one of the most gay-friendly companies in the country. So damn straight they were going to apologize to their customers. Hyvee stores operate across southern Minnesota as well as Iowa.
Last year, Bluestem reported about a YCRBYCH tabling at the local Walmart in Hutchinson; follow-up by a City Page's reporter led to the ministry being bounced from Walmart parking lots across the country.
Ken Avidor has more on the Hyvee story at Bradlee Dean Info, and via email recommends the Hollywood Reporter's Preacher Suing MSNBC's Rachel Maddow Wants 'Leftist Judge' Disqualified. Seems the Annandale toxic metal rocker and preacher isn't happy:
Bradlee Dean, the heavy metal rocker-turned-radio host and conservative preacher who is suing MSNBC host Rachel Maddow for $50 million, has launched a tirade against the judge over a recent decision in the case.
Last July, Dean sued Maddow and NBCUniversal for defamation, claiming she twisted Dean's words about wanting to see more gays and lesbians killed, in an effort to undermine former Republican presidential candidate Michele Bachmann.
Maddow tried to knock out the lawsuit on First Amendment grounds, and just before DC Superior Court Judge Joan Zeldon was about to make a ruling, Dean motioned to voluntarily withdraw the lawsuit. He then filed a new complaint in federal court in a strategic move to escape the D.C. Anti-SLAPP Act.
But Maddow wouldn't let Dean walk away from the Superior Court, and what's more, wanted Dean to pay sanctions. Two weeks ago, Judge Zeldon ruled that Dean and his ministry, You Run But You Cannot Hide International, could only dismiss the lawsuit without prejudice if he paid Maddow $24,625.23 in attorney's costs. Now, Dean is in an awkward situation. In order to pursue Maddow in the federal lawsuit -- which has been stayed -- he has to pay the television personality he hates.
And so, on Tuesday, Dean sought to have Zeldon, a "leftist judge" who he believes is acting like a "woman scorned," disqualified.
Read the whole thing at the Hollywood Reporter, which concludes:
Unfortunately for Dean, the motion for disqualification is a real long-shot. Assuming the judge doesn't voluntarily recuse herself, Dean will probably have to fork over more than $24,000 to Maddow or else the case gets dismissed with prejudice. Meaning, his federal lawsuit would have no hope.
The Sacramento Bee has posted Dean's press release about the move: Christian Minister Bradlee Dean Seeks To Disqualify Leftist Judge Liberal Media Attempts To Justify Rachel Maddow Through Omission Of Facts.
Okay then.
TPM Muckraker and Wonkette have posted have posted Dean's pleadings, the latter to milk laughs. In Get Thee To the Menstrual Hut: It’s A Good Thing Bradlee Dean Isn’t Being Sexist About Judge Who Awarded Rachel Maddow Attorneys Fees, Rebecca Schoenkopf writes:
Oh, Bradlee Dean, don’t ever stop being you! And more importantly, please keep Larry Klayman, founder of JudicialWatch and FreedomWatch — a not at all crazy person seen here discussing a Citizens Grand Jury to indict Supreme Court justices John Roberts and Elena Kagan — as your personal attorney forever and ever. Maybe a sitcom? At the very least a road movie. . . .
Cartoon: Bradlee Dean, by Ken Avidor.
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Sally Jo Sorensen
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