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Aug 24, 2012


Phoenix Woman

As we've seen from the glacial response of the Republican Party of Minnesota to requests for payment by the various counties whose staffs the RPM forced to work overtime on a recount that wound up confirming Mark Dayton's win, Minnesota Republicans have no problems with sticking the counties of Greater Minnesota with the bills for GOP-caused voting expenditures.


Kiffmeyer isn't concerned with the cost of the Voter I.D. amendment. She's concerned with a part of the electorate that votes for a different party than hers. After the 2010 election for governor many folks were stunned to not that a precinct in my home community of Edina (a solid Republican community at that) had voted for Dayton. A quick look at the precinct revealed that it was near in an area dominated by senior citizen housing (well healed as it was)and that polling revealed that the residents didn't support curtailing Medicare, Social Security and any number of other social programs. That was all it took. A number of other conservatives that had resisted Voter I.D. laws because of the cost to individual voter as well as the taxpayer at large gave in. Above all, we can't afford folks voting for the wrong political part...regardless of the cost!

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