It's not just the Winona Daily News editors to Parry: "Return to issues or return to cooking pizzas in Waseca".
Over in Brown County, the editors of the New Ulm Journal chided Parry in Words Matter:
State Sen. Mike Parry, locked in a bitter primary battle with former state rep. Allen Quist to challenge Rep. Tim Walz (D-1st Dist.) in November, has based much of his campaign on the things Quist did and said some 20 years ago when he was in the Legislature.
If Quist's words back then are relevant issues in the campaign, what are we to make of Parry's words, spoken this week at a Republican fundraiser in Brown County?
. . .The politics of insinuation should be abandoned by both parties. Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid insinuates Mitt Romney is a tax dodger, Michelle Bachmann insinuates the State Department is riddle with Muslim extremists, and now Parrry calls the governor a "pill-popper." We think politicians should stick to rational statements they can back up with facts.
Photo: Mike Parry at Farmfest. Photo by Eric V. Adams for Bluestem Prairie.
Related posts: Winona Daily News editors to Parry: "Return to issues or return to cooking pizzas in Waseca"
Emo Senator: Top Republican leaders doubt Mike Parry's pill-popping gubernatorial memories
Farmfest video: MNCD1 candidate Mike Parry & Gov. Mark Dayton respond to "pills" claim fire
"Pill-popping" statement hypocrisy flushes Mike Parry from Farmfest
Were still waiting for the Minnesota Republican Party to condemn the outrageous Bachmann and Parry statements. Such garbage is coming not from just one but two of their congressional candidates. It says a lot Minnesota Republican Party.
Posted by: T Pa or Coffee | Aug 09, 2012 at 08:16 AM