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Aug 26, 2012


Jay McHue

It's interesting and, some might say, quite hypocritical that "Ole Ole Olson" accuses people of being "sock puppets" while maintaining at least one (and likely more) sockpuppet account of his own: https://twitter.com/novenator. So a conservative Franson supporter (me) tries to protect his identity with an online moniker and that's wrong, but it's quite alright for Franson critic "Ole Ole Olson/novenator/more?" to do it. Typical leftist hypocrisy. Utterly sickening.

I know you won't approve this comment as it it detrimental to your side and your position.

Editor's note: Wrong.

And actually, Ole Ole is the player in Alexandria whose comment (on the sign vandalism) wasn't posted here. He made statements about Franson's twitter account being suspended that were false. Representative Franson turned her account off--and was able to turn it on again for ten minutes to demonstrate that claims that she had been banished from twitter are false. Knowing this, I blocked him from posting here.

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