Writing for the editors of the Winona Daily News, Brian Voerding chastizes First District candidate Mike Parry for his pathetic "scary, pill-popping Governor" remarks in Our View: Parry’s pitiful, pathetic politics:
. . . What low-grade character assassination.
What pathetic bluster.
. . . We praise Dayton for taking the high road. We hope state lawmakers both former and current line up to condemn Parry’s insidious remark.
Maybe Dayton was taking multivitamins. Or headache medicine or antacids — Lord knows he has enough stress in his life. Maybe he was taking medication for depression, an illness he has boldly and admirably fought while living in the public’s eye, both as Minnesota’s leader and as a senator in Washington. Who knows and who cares.
A man admits weakness.
A pitiful little boy pokes fun at it.
Parry’s outburst makes us believe Quist when he says Parry muddied the 1st District primary race and turned it into a regrettable pigsty of backbiting and personal attacks.
Parry, quit with the boneheaded statements that have done nothing but bring shame to our state’s politics. . . .
Return to the issues or return to cooking pizzas in Waseca.
Read the whole thing at the WDN. Sadly, we'll probably see more of Parry's bluster today when he uses the bully pulpit of the chair of the Subcommittee on Employee Relations, meeting this morning to review proposed state collective bargaining agreements in the State Capitol.
Photo: Mike Parry at Farmfest. By Eric V. Adams for Bluestem Prairie.
Related posts: Emo Senator: Top Republican leaders doubt Mike Parry's pill-popping gubernatorial memories
Farmfest video: MNCD1 candidate Mike Parry & Gov. Mark Dayton respond to "pills" claim fire
"Pill-popping" statement hypocrisy flushes Mike Parry from Farmfest
Memo to Mike Parry: Just because you've got the West Metro One Percenters backing you doesn't mean the MN-01 RPM nomination is yours on a silver TCF platter.
I hold no brief for Allen Quist, but damn, he almost looks as good as Tim Walz in comparison to this spoiled-brat crybaby. Then again, we already have Tim Walz, so we don't need Quist, much less Parry.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Aug 09, 2012 at 07:57 AM