Allen Quist's financial disclosure has finally been posted to the House Office of the Clerk's database, but that of Willmar poultry industry executive Lee Byberg has yet to appear.
The Minnesota Progressive Project has been following the Quist story, most recently posting yesterday with Allen Quist keeps digging his pit of failure concerning financial disclosure form. The New Ulm Journal reported in Walz campaign keeps pressure on Quist over financial disclosure forms:
Quist previously said he did not file the form because he was unaware of it. He also said that he did not file the form immediately after being notified last week because the form did not list the address it should be sent to. Later, he said that it was instead the online version of the form that he downloaded that lacked the address. Both forms carry the address on the front page.
Quist says he mailed out the form last Wednesday, and that he is waiting for it to be received and put online. He said that he sees no point in releasing the forms ahead of that time.
The absence of Lee Byberg's information in the database has received little attention from the press in the Seventh District--but then, neither has the Byberg campaign in general.
Even a free Lee Greenwood concert on Sunday netted only a four-paragraph squib in the Alexandria Echo Press; far more pressing news of Pumpkin fest? Fruits battle for prominence at winery and Fire destroys shed near Lake Jessie and of course, the incredible victory of the Alexandria girls' soccer team, now heading to the state tournament, nudged word of the Willmar businessman's preaching to the choir off the front of the Echo website.
Looking over Quist's statement, Bluestem is a bit surprised to learn that Quist appears to have no retirement funds, only a couple of nice chunks of farmland in Iowa and southern Minnesota. We would have thought that self-proclaimed ant Allen Quist would have squirreled away a retirement portfolio of some sort or the other. Maybe that's for grasshoppers like Congressman Walz.
Here's a pdf of the Quist statement.Quist Statement