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Nov 13, 2012


Phoenix Woman

Heh. Interesting that Ellen Fordahl is freaked out by the Cedar-Riverside area, one of my favorite hangouts as a young U of M student so many moons ago. Why do I have the feeling that the number of non-Lutherans (not to mention non-whites) she saw growing up can be counted on the fingers of one hand?

But this shows just how pervasive the fear of the Other is in conservative political circles in this state. Notice how often Fordahl repeats the word "black" in her dream-vision? It's as if she wants her listeners to associate "African-American" with "Muslim" and "Muslim" with evil for some reason. Plus, the obsession with ripping away veils makes me think of NN11 and John Gilmore's drunken assault on the pedicabbie and her hijab-wearing friend.

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