Bluestem's report on a newly minted state representative's post-election meditations, Cindy Pugh warns Tea Party about threat of illiterate, disengaged & lazy voters--and Muslims, has gotten its share of attention.
But Pugh isn't the only elected to carry on about Agenda 21 at a SW Metro Tea Party Patriots meeting--and to have those deep thoughts recorded for eternity. This summer, Senator Dave Brown spoke on the threat of Agenda 21 to our precious bodily fluids.
From the July 16, 2012 minutes:
Rollie Neve introduced our speaker, Minnesota Senator David Brown, who reported on Agenda 21 and the legislation he proposes to combat it here in Minnesota. Senator Brown said he has been targeted by the Progressive Project for speaking out against Agenda 21. Rollie testified at Senator Brown’s hearing on Agenda 21 in April.
Targeted by the Progressive Project? That's a fairly hilarious way to describe MN State Sen. Dave Brown an Agenda 21 Fanatic?, a post made that day by Minnesota Progressive Project blogger and Brown constituent Dan Burns.
While Burns mentions the DFLers vying to replace Brown, he notes that a defeat at the ballot vox will be difficult, while writing copy like this:
. . . .The reason that I'm picking up on this is that I'm surprised to see Sen. Brown taking this role, particularly in the matter of allying himself with a high-profile Tea Party crazy like Mike Parry. I met Brown at a town hall meeting, last summer. Nice guy, and I have no doubt that he's sincerely focused on doing what he honestly believes to be for the best for everyone. . . .
It's not as if Brown was hit by an ad blitz from the Alliance for a Better Minnesota's secret cable ad bunker off Snelling and University. Nor is there anything that suggests that Mr. Burns is particularly threatening, but perhaps a person who fancies bike lanes and the Met Council as evidence of a plot to take over the world can be forgiven his fear of a Minnesota Progressive Project planet.
Senator Brown began by holding up the 350 pages of the UN Agenda for the 21st Century and briefly outlined how it, under the guise of “sustainable development”, is progressing toward a global government, taking away our private property and civil liberties. Humans would have no more rights than nature and laws will be made to assure that humans and nature are equal.
Goals of Agenda 21 include redistribution of America’s wealth all over the world, control of property, strengthening the roles of major groups (not individuals) based on “communitarianism”, requiring all children to go to government schools, restricting the lifestyle of most Americans, and to be the vehicle for global government.
What can we do in Minnesota? Get involved. Question local governments when you see terms likely to be associated with Agenda 21. Find out what strings are attached to the funding for things like “complete streets” from ICLEI. Run for office and/or support the right candidates. Elect those who will protect and defend the Constitution of the U. S. and Minnesota. Elect those who favor getting out of the United Nations.
Senator Brown considers his job is to educate other legislators about Agenda 21. He is working on legislation to prevent taking private property and to prohibit Agenda 21 policies, to shrink the Met Council which has a large jurisdiction of unelected leaders, and also for mining permits in northern Minnesota. Mining could turn Minnesota around even more than oil has done in N. Dakota. We have huge nickel deposits. His bill would call for putting the royalites from mining in a trust fund to cut our property taxes. He has also signed on to the voter ID lawsuit and co-‐authored the marriage amendment bill.
Brown's anti-Agenda 21 crusade was best chronicled by St. Cloud Times report Mark Sommerhauser in early October. A pdf of the Sommerhauser article is available here.
Next up: Scary MN continues with Agenda 21 visiting St. Cloud.
Photo: Senator Dave Brown, R-Becker.
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