While logic and evidence may be futile when trying to get Minnesota's conservative blog to abandon the hive of talking points about the 2013 Environmental Congress, more evidence is surfacing that the Dayton administration hipped farmers to the coming attractions within days after the DFL governor signed EO-11-32 on November 16, 2011.
None other than EQB czar Dave Frederickson spilled the milk on the top secret plan.
In a November 28, 2011 column, Dairy Star columnist Don Wick wrote in Super committee is unable to come to terms on deficit reduction:
Environmental Quality Board challenged to find consensus
At the request of Minnesota Governor Mark Dayton, the Environmental Quality Board is being challenged to streamline permitting and the regulatory process. Chairman Dave Frederickson, who also serves as the state agriculture commissioner, said new life is being breathed into the EQB. "We're going to be looking at an environmental congress in 2013; we're going to be looking at a report card on the state of the environment in Minnesota and I think it's good," Frederickson said. "At my ripe old age, I'm becoming somewhat impatient and I just want to make sure we do right by this state, do right by the environment, and do right for future generations." Farmers and environmental activists are often at odds, but Frederickson believes the two sides can find consensus. "We're all part of the problem, so let's all be part of the solution."
Never hear of Dairy Star? Apparently, none of the nervous nellies fretting about the Rising Tide of EQB Power have either.
From the looks of it, it's cows, cows and more cows. Princess Kay of the Milky Way contributed a totally wholesome column that made Bluestem go chug a nice glass of moo juice. It's the sort of publication that tells readers Farms using robots milk more cows, get higher production. Environmental extremists all the way.
Other than that, one supposes the November 28, 2011 article is just another example of time-travel funded by the combined mad fortunes of the Dayton-Messinger clan, who so knew that the Houses of Brodkorb, Koch, Zellers and Sutton would fall and the Republican brand with it....
Or: rational souls looking at the mounting evidence might conclude the current Republican talking points about how the Citizen Forums, the 2013 Environmental Congress and "new life being breathed into the EQB" are 1) signs of DFL overreach mounted after the party's 2012 electoral victories that will 2) let environmental extremists have their way with property rights, since nobody else was told about this, are just so much more manure in the lagoon.
This is the sort of Republican platform that Magnus Johnson would have understood.
Planning for the Environmental Congress began when Republicans still controlled the Minnesota House and Senate. EQB chair and ag commissioner Frederickson (a fourth-generation farmer originally from Murdock) wasn't shy about talking it up. Press releases about the forums and Congress went out to hundreds of newspapers.
The MNGOP needs to find the embodiment of its terror at the loss of both houses of the state legislature, and a small board that now employs two staff members seems ripe for projection of their fear of a DFL planet.
Photos: EQB chair and Minnesota Ag Commissioner Frederickson before (top) and after (bottom) these losers started in with this post-moronic malarky. It's a monster! Scary!
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