Despite Minnesota Representative-elect Jim Newberger's prediction of scary Agenda 21 goings on in Atwood Center, the St. Cloud Times reports in Minnesota's environmental priorities discussed at St. Cloud forum that the 250 people who turned out for yesterday's Citizens Forum in St. Cloud were concerned about stormwater runoff and other run-of-the-creek issues.
Staff writer Kirsti Marohn writes:
For some, it’s protecting Minnesota’s natural places.For others, it’s cleaning up the state’s lakes and rivers. Or combating invasive species. Or coping the demands on land from a state population expected to grow by 1 million by 2035.
More than 250 people voiced diverse views on what environmental issues should be Minnesota’s top priorities at a forum Wednesday night at St. Cloud State University.
Over-regulation was a concern as well:
Some attendees voiced concern about overreaching government regulations affecting property rights. Mike Schmoll, a crop farmer from Kandiyohi County, said he is worried that stricter regulations will mean he can’t drain his land.
“I don’t mind regulations,” Schmoll said. “I just don’t want it to be so cumbersome that we can’t do it.”
Read the entire article at the St. Cloud Times. Here's a video from the paper:
Photo: EQB chair Dave Frederickson.
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