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Dec 11, 2012


gene christenson

I do wonder if this was intentional fraud or a misunderstanding of the voting rules. they were very upfront about their citizenship and actually did not present false information. they no doubt did not read or understand the small print that says do not proceed if not a citizen and that their signature on the form assures that they are citizens.

I do wonder about the election judge in this case. That judge also confirmed that they were eligible to vote by approving the applications. is the judge being charged or at least interviewed. Did the judge make a mistake, fail to carefully read the applications or did they knowingly commit or abet voter fraud. did the judge have an agenda of creating fraud cases to to be used in the political grist mill.

my guess is that this is all casual errors of misunderstanding on the part of the voters and lack of attention by the judge.

i am concerned whether true justice will be done here of is this just an opportunity to make someone's political point.

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