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Dec 19, 2012


G Dahl

How many teachers are qualified, want to be qualified , and then willing to carry what some one else is going to certify that they carry? Then would they have a choice of what to carry.

The only reason this happens is because we have allowed our society to become a cesspool of liberalism in the media. Yes I blame the media. Look at the vultures since the killings. They can't let it go.And it permeates to every aspect of good/bad journalism.

Phoenix Woman

I was wondering what you had to say about Tony Cornish's latest idiotic statement. You hit this one out of the park, my dear.

I only wish to add one thing: The Jerusalem Post is a very conservative newspaper. So any conservatives who think to try and attack your piece on the grounds that its main source is a lefty rag will have another 'think' coming. Or should.


If I didn't have this gun, the King of England could just walk in here any time he wants, and start shoving you around. Do you want that? Huh? Do you?

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