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Jan 13, 2013


Dog Gone

Maybe someone should ask Parrish if he is in favor of former felons, including violent felons getting their gun rights back easily, since he seems to be such a strong proponent of penalizing former felons.

Of course, the difference is that former felons who vote are far less likely to re-offend, and far more likely to become productive civic minded members of the community, whereas former felons who get their gun rights restored tend to commit more gun crimes at 8 times the number of other groups.

But that seldom stops the pro-gun right; they aren't good with math or facts, just with fear mongering. That doesn't serve the citizens of MN or anywhere else very well, but then we saw that the conservatives blew it big time when they swept into office in 2010.......and out again in 2012.

Eric Pusey

The picture of those zombie trolls are ****ing awesome!

Phoenix Woman

But Sally Jo, it's unfair to demand of RPM mouthpieces that they know what they're talking about. That's not what they're paid for.

Speaking of being paid, I hope that Mr. Parrish was paid by Representative Bachmann for his political services to her. Seems that she's been stiffing a few folks (and what's all this about their being asked to sign a paper stating they were to ignore any shady behavior?): http://www.salon.com/2013/01/11/bachmann_still_hasnt_paid_her_presidential_campaign_staff/

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