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Jan 15, 2013


Phoenix Woman

So either Allen Quist is a bald (and bald-faced) liar or he's one of the worst victims of ideological whiplash I've ever seen.

Wasn't it just last week he was telling the Republicans of 19A to pick him over Golgart because Golgart dared to be civil and professional in his interactions with fellow veteran Tim Walz? Why, yes, yes, it was: http://www.bluestemprairie.com/bluestemprairie/2013/01/quist-to-bash-golgart-for-comments-about-national-vet-service-officers-group-award-to-walz.html

And now he's publicly telling the voters of 19A that he's really not the hardcore fire-breathing Republican partisan he's made out to be -- even as his wife's old boss tells the conservative Republicans targeted in her fundraising letter that Quist is all that and so much more?

His head must be spinning like Linda Blair's.

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