Bluestem noted on Friday in Former candidates unite to urge Clark Johnson vote in Tuesday's MN House District 19A primary that Robin Courrier, Karl Johnson and Tim Strand, all of whom had sought the DFL endorsement for the special election, publicly threw their support behind Clark Johnson, who had defeated second-to-last man standing Karl Johnson on the fourth ballot.
Because DFL party rules forced the endorsing convention to be held after the date for candidates to withdraw their candidacy, all four names remain on tomorrow's ballot.
Two more letters in today's Free Press support Clark Johnson; a third urges support for Karl Johnson, as a backer decides that he's not taking Karl's word for it that he no longer wants the job. All three letters are from respected area citizens.
James Fleming, Nicollet County DFL chair writes in Your View: Vote for Clark Johnson for House seat:
I am supporting Clark Johnson for the House of Representatives in District 19A. Clark Johnson will stop the borrowing from public schools to balance our state’s budget. He would partner with the majority seeking reason and rational solutions to a decade’s worth of budget deficits.
Clark Johnson is committed to a four-lane Highway 14 to New Ulm. Clark Johnson would work with the majority to find solutions.
Join me and support Clark Johnson for the House of Representatives in District 19A Jan. 29 and Feb. 12.
And Lynn Solo, from the famed Solo clan in North Mankato, urges a Clark Johnson vote in Your View: Clark Johnson is a good listener:
I will vote for my longtime neighbor, Clark Johnson, the DFL-endorsed candidate for state legislator for District 19A, in the primary Tuesday and again in the special election Feb. 12.
Clark Johnson’s ability to listen to and connect with people would aid him greatly in working towards his top priority, a stable economy that recognizes the importance of agriculture and small business in our area.
His would be an articulate, thoughtful and strong voice for outstate Minnesota. Vote twice for Clark Johnson.
But disabled Vietnam veteran activist Tom McLaughlin is having none of it. He writes in Your View: Karl Johnson a better choice in primary:
After Terry Morrow resigned, I was very happy to see that Karl Johnson decided to run as a Democrat for the now open District 19A seat.
As a farmer and a small business owner, Karl Johnson would be a refreshing change for this district in St. Paul.
I was disappointed that Karl Johnson didn’t get the party endorsement. I believe they really missed the boat on this one.
If you want someone who will work to relieve the taxes and over-regulations on small business and local government and get this state going in the right direction again, vote for Karl Johnson.
In addition to being a veteran, McLaughlin served on the Mankato City Council in the 1990s and the Blue Earth County board from 1999 through 2010.
Update: MN HD resident and Bluestem contributor Max Hailperin has commented:
It is perhaps worth noting that two of the letter writers live in 19A, whereas the third does not appear to. (1129 N Broad St., like most of Mankato, is in 19B.)
Fleming and Solo live in the district, while Mclaughlin does not. [end update]
The dueling letters do not appear to be hijinks on the part of Republican or Independence Party agitators. Solo's daughter Leah was instrumental in the election of Tim Walz in 2006 and has since become a bright light in the state DFL. McLaughlin's son Mike, an Iraq War veteran, was featured in a Walz television ad last year.
The dueling letters represent an honest split on the part of their authors, however much both Johnsons want voters to pick Clark Johnson in tomorrow's primary.
A scattered wintry mix, followed by dropping temperatures, is predicted for tomorrow's primary, so turnout is likely to be light. Stay tuned.
Meanwhile, Dump Bachmann reported on Saturday that Michele Bachmann has sent a follow-up email asking her supporters to contribute to Allen Quist's campaign. The first email, sent in mid-January, is discussed in Bachmann fundraising pitch: it's not every day we get a second chance to understand just how partisan MN19A Republican Allen Quist is.
The special election, set for February 12, was triggered by the resignation of former state representative Terry Morrow to take a job in Chicago. Morrow had run without opposition in the 2012 election.
Photo: Clark Johnson supporters prevailed at the endorsing convention; will they prevail tomorrow?
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It is perhaps worth noting that two of the letter writers live in 19A, whereas the third does not appear to. (1129 N Broad St., like most of Mankato, is in 19B.)
Posted by: Max Hailperin | Jan 28, 2013 at 10:23 AM