St. Cloud religious book and gift store owner and Tea Party organizer Kathleen Virnig so doesn't want any Republican to "work with the DFL and try to influence the homosexual marriage law the latter wish to create for us in Minnesota," according to her letter to the editor in the St. Cloud Times.
Virnig is reacting to GOP Minnesota legislator preparing to co-sponsor gay marriage bill, a report in the Star Tribune by staff writers Baird Helgeson and Rachel Stassen-Berger that Branden Petersen (R-Andover) plans to co-sponsor a bill to legalize same-sex marriage in Minnesota:
Having a Republican co-author would be an enormous political coup for same-sex marriage advocates as they prepare to unveil their proposal in the days ahead. Petersen would become the first Republican legislator to publicly support same-sex marriage, highlighting the rapidly changing dynamics of the issue at the Capitol.
“At this point, I am concerned about doing the right thing,” said Petersen, an Andover resident who is married and has two young children. “I have a certain amount of peace about that, and I will let the chips fall where they may. . . .”
. . .Petersen said he has several concerns that must be addressed before he will sign onto the measure. He wants to add language guaranteeing that any religious leader can choose not to wed same-sex couples. He also insists that kids in same-sex marriages have the same financial guarantees as children of other married couples in time of divorce.
“It’s only a matter of time before same-sex marriage is legal,” Petersen said. “I thought it was important to engage the issue now, and when we do it, do it right, and that there’s some perspective from the people I represent in that.”
Sen. Scott Dibble, who is chief sponsor of the bill, said he is willing to agree to Petersen’s additions.
None of that, the Tea Party grandmother writes in Senator shouldn't back gay marriage because "you can’t make an orange into a potato."
Because marriage is about fecundity and not having anything shoved down your throat. Virnig writes:
State Sen. Branden Peterson [sic], a Republican, has announced he will work with the DFL and try to influence the homosexual marriage law the latter wish to create for us in Minnesota.Thanks, but no thanks, Sen. Peterson.
You are not advancing the cause of “cooperation” between the two parties, but helping to shove down the throats of the common man, the demands of 2 percent to 3 percent of the population in the entire country!
The terms “marriage” and “homosexual/lesbian” is a misnomer.
The very definition of marriage calls for the possibility of fecundity. There ain’t no such thing when same sex-people have sex. Why would we need to create out of thin air a right that is an impossibility for anyone?
This is a political agenda with the outcome of persecution for those who do follow the 10 Commandments. It’s already happening in Canada, and it will happen here.
But there will not be marriage in the real meaning of the word because just as you can’t make an orange into a potato, marriage is for the propagation of the human family. No same-sex anything can do this. ...
We're not sure if Virnig will join the fight against genetically modified organisms (GMOs). Perhaps the threatening transformation of oranges into potatoes is just a metaphor.
Virnig's organizing skills were praised in a 2009 Red State post, Saint Cloud MN, Proud Tea Party Location [Videos Fixed]:
One the main organizers of the event, Kathleen Virnig, was kind enough to talk to the camera to send a message to those of you who agree with the sentiment of these parties, and to urge you to take the next steps…
Virnig says in the video:
Welcome to the Tea Party that we had here in St. Cloud, Minnesota. I know that you people believe that we are losing our freedoms and I applaud you for being concerned about that. I also want to urge you to get out there, do your part, be an American citizen by voting, by calling your legislator and never give up. We are people who are tenacious, we win. We are right and we need to keep at it and together all of us will be able to be victorious over the oppression that we are all experiencing right now. God bless you and God bless America.
The video:
Virnig has indeed hung in there, continuing to be an active part of the Central Minnesota Tea Party. She left a comment on a 2012 post on the group's blog post, Corruption and the death of Nations:
Ron Ewart’s article and Dr. Cuddy’s research on the Power Elites is right on! Ron reminds us of something so vital to our Republic, i.e. look the enemy right in his eye and don’t flinch! Moral strength of character cannot be beaten down for long. We the People will form a more just society and must band together to fight the good cause with steadfast insistence on our Constitutional and God given Rights. We need the TEA Parties all across this beautiful, moral and deeply loved country to push forward and demand our rights and freedoms and stay vigilant and morally sound, acknowledging that we are one Nation under God with liberty and justice for all like minded citizens.
Justice for all like minded citizens--but so not for those who aren't like her.
Photo: Kathleen Virnig, via the innernets.
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