It is a fact universally acknowledged that Senator Warren Limmer may be one of the principal architects of the DFL majority in both houses of the Minnesota legislature.
After all, he was the chief author of the amendment to limit the freedom to marry; this measure, coupled as it was in the voting public's eye with the voter restriction amendment, helped drive freedom-loving Minnesotans into inking as many tiny DFL ovals as voter indexes and divine providence would allow.
Bluestem wishes we could say, for the sake of our state, that the ruin of his earnest desire in the constitutional establishment of one of his prejudices has produced so happy an effect as to make him a sensible, amiable, well-informed man for the rest of his life; though perhaps it is lucky for bloggers, who might not have relished felicity in so unusual a form, that he still is occasionally nervous and invariably silly.
Witness today's Senate committee hearing on early voting. The Star Tribune's Baird Helgeson reports in Minnesota's early-voting proposal raises constitutional questions:
The argument over the idea reignited simmering tensions about the voter ID proposal, which lost dramatic support in closing months before the November election.
State Sen. Warren Limmer, R-Maple Grove, another sponsor of voter ID, raised doubts about the legality of absentee voting. Minnesotans can vote absentee before an election if they are disabled or sick or if they expect to be traveling during an election.
Sen. Ann Rest, DFL-New Hope, warned Limmer and other legislators against edging toward a constitutional showdown over absentee voting.
“Senator Limmer, you are disenfranchising the vote of every singe member of the military,” Rest said. “I don’t think you want to go there.”
Limmer shot back: “I am not going to sit here and be questioned about my motive and be warned not to go somewhere.”
The hearing was filled with elderly, the disabled and others speaking in favor of early voting.
With that sort of performance, Bluestem wonders whether this might be the time to abandon political blogging, pull up stakes and move to Big Stone or Lac Qui Parle County and write nothing but blank verse until Terry Vanderpol's cows come home or John White quits fishing.
Our work here is done--and by Republicans.
Photo: Warren Limmer, the Mrs. Bennet of the Republican Party of Minnesota.
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