Jarry and Marjorie Cole's toxic Christian metal son-in-law Bradlee Dean is touring Florida. He's speaking to September 12 groups, Tea Party groups and today, at the New Presbyterian Church, which splintered from the Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church following the death of dominionist James Kennedy.
The tweets coming in from Dean's YouCanRunIntl ministry account are invaluable in understanding the discourse central to the ministry of Annandale's best known evangelist.
Readers may remember that Dean served as guest chaplain for the Minnesota House of Representatives in 2011, delivering an opening prayer that closed with doubts about President Obama's faith. Then-Speaker Kurt Zellers (R-Maple Grove), adjourned the session; when chamber reconvened a bit later, the prayer was stricken from the record.
Since then, Dean has tried suing Rachel Maddow for defamation; she had rebroadcast a statement from one of his radio shows.
Dean is clearly upset by America's slipping standards. While Dean spoke to a Tea Party gathering at an Umberto's Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale, the YCRI account tweeted:
700,000 students graduate each year in this country who can't even read there doplomas! -Fact given from Bradlee Dean @ FL Tea Party
— YouCanRunIntl (@YouCanRunIntl) February 9, 2013
He's not happy with the media:
U know what a biggot is right? According 2 hateful media it is someone who believes the Bible. -Bradlee Dean, Tea Party Ft. Lauderdale, FL
— YouCanRunIntl (@YouCanRunIntl) February 9, 2013
Despite Barack Obama's reelection by a clear popular vote (as well as that pesky Eclectoral College), Dean doesn't think Americans support the President.
Apparently, the results in November are the consequence of Americans having been "dipped" by the POTUS:
He does not have the support of the American people friends. You've been dipped! - Bradlee Dean on Obama
— YouCanRunIntl (@YouCanRunIntl) February 9, 2013
Getting dipped by the President might be fun, but Bluestem can't foresee Mrs. Obama granting her approval. This isn't a BBC fictional Prime Minister, after all.
At an earlier presentation for the Tea Party Manatee at the Mixon Fruit Farms East Bradenton, Florida, Dean bragged about the Maddow lawsuit:
"Oh, by the way, I'm suing Rachel Maddow." -Bradlee Dean, crowd claps and yells "Amen!"
— YouCanRunIntl (@YouCanRunIntl) February 6, 2013
Perhaps the Florida tour can help him pay off the court order requiring Dean to pay some of Maddow's legal fees in the case.
Hat tip: Bradlee Dean watcher and cartoonist, Ken Avidor. Avidor most recently caught a Dean radio broadcast bashing anglers inside of ice fishing houses. At least we'll never have to worry about Dean running for office in Minnesota. Bash a president as much as you wish, but slandering honest winter recreation will never be pardoned, especially for catch and release.
Photo: Bradlee Dean preached to this youthful crowd at the Tea Party Manatee at at the Mixon Fruit Farms in East Bradenton, Florida.
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Give it up, Mr. Smith. Your sell-by date has passed, just like Bachmann's and Quist's and Palin's.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Feb 10, 2013 at 10:53 AM
Oh, and "there doplomas"? Is Mr. Smith's plan of attack to cause his foes to laugh themselves to death?
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Feb 10, 2013 at 10:56 AM