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Mar 28, 2013


Greg Genz

Mpls Locks aren't used for much, is a subjective statement. For the traffic that uses the Locks, they are important. I could ask Rep. Torkelson why the State of MN needs to support Hwy 4 when Hwy 15 is a perfectly good road to the East and can handle Hwy 4 traffic if we could close it. Hwy 15 goes through much bigger towns and is obviously more important to the region. See how easy it is? Transportation corridors are important to the people that use them, not so much to the majority of the population. Also, closing the Mpls. Locks will only save a small portion of MN's boating and fishing areas at a real cost in jobs and highway congestion. But then congestion is just a metro area problem, because there is hardly any traffic on those outstate highways we all pay for.

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