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Mar 11, 2013



There is no such thing as "the" gay lifestyle any more than there is "the" straight lifestyle. "The" is a definitive article meaning only "one", and there are just as many ways to be gay as there are straight. Gay people, just like straight people, come from every background, every race, places urban, rural and suburban, liberal AND conservative, and absolutely no two of them are alike. To insinuate that all of them act in exactly the same way is the worst type of stereotyping, just as much as implying all people of a certain race or background are all only one way. It is the pinnacle of ignoring to even imply such a thing.

Phoenix Woman

I wonder what an analysis of the balance sheets of that 501 (c)(4) might reveal.


Bizarre. I'm sure it's a hoax or just a big LIE!

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