Contact Your Senator IMMEDIATELY
Today the Star Tribune newspaper ran an editorial in support of strong regulation of the frac sand industry. The editorial, entitled "Minnesota Legislature must protect trout streams," says in part:
“Schmit’s common-sense legislation, which will likely face a critical Senate floor vote today, proposes a reasonable 5,000-foot-setback for sand mines from trout streams and the springs that feed them. Mining also couldn’t occur within 25 feet of the water table. The aim is straightforward: to protect the flow of the cold, clear waters that are the lifeblood of the region’s renowned trout fishery and, by extension, the jobs dependent on angling tourism. Cutting off springs or groundwater flow through careless excavation could reduce stream flows and increase water temperature to levels lethal to trout...The setbacks called for in the legislation are based on the best available research and would significantly reduce the risk of environmental damage. Waiting years to gather data for a more tailored approach isn’t practical. The damage to critical trout habitat may already have been done by then."
This vote is happening today on the Senate floor as early as mid-morning. Sen. Matt Schmit of Red Wing will offer his amendment on the Senate floor to the Omnibus Game and Fish Bill (Senate File 796) to protect southeast Minnesota trout streams from frac sand mining and processing.
Take Action. Contact your Senator immediately and urge them to support Sen. Schmit’s amendment. You can find your state Senator's name and contact information online here, or by calling 651-296-0504 or 888-234-1112.
Suggested message: “Today Sen. Matt Schmit will offer an amendment on the Senate floor to protect southeast Minnesota trout streams from frac sand mining. I strongly encourage you to support this amendment, which will include a setback from trout streams for frac sand mines. The Star Tribune editorial had it right today when it said that these setbacks "are based on the best available research and would significantly reduce the rise of environmental damage." I will check back in tomorrow to see how you voted on this amendment."
You can watch the debate on the Senate floor online here.
For more information on this issue, contact LSP's Bobby King at 612-722-6377 or bking@landstewardshipproject.