Two news items underscore the disjunction between silly Republican activists and the simply reality of love being the law.
In the Strib Hot Dish Politics blog post, Gay marriage support reverberates for Republican senator, Rachel Stassen-Berger reports:
State Sen. Branden Petersen's support of same-sex marriage continues to reverberate in his district.
Last week, his Senate district's Republican executive committee announced it voted to admonish the first-term Senator, who voted last month to legalize same-sex marriage. DFL Gov. Mark Dayton signed the bill legalizing same sex marriage last month and Minnesota gay couples can be legally wed in August.
Petersen is actually serving his second term and voted to put the marriage amendment on the ballot while serving a term in the Minnesota House [thanks for correction, RSB]. The post continues:
The 'no confidence' motion, said several members of the executive committee, was not because Petersen supported legalization, rather it was his actions around that decision.
"It wasn’t really his view of on the marriage issue, it was just multiple violations of our trust," said SD35 deputy chair Don Huizenga.
Petersen is having none of that malarkey:
"What’s at the root at the issue is the issue itself, which is gay marriage," said Petersen.
The nitwits are talking about finding another Republican who reflects their way of thinking. It's pretty silly, since the libertarian conservative is indeed a bedrock sort on budget and spending, enough to receive a 93 percent on the Liberty Minnesota scorecard. The district party activists are like a bad act on the Gong Show.
Petersen's predicament is underscored by a second story, published in the St. Cloud Times, Same-sex couples and wedding planners prepare for special day, which documents the great joy small businesses are experiencing as they gear up for the blessings of marriage equality:
On Aug. 1, Minnesota will become the 12th state to make same-sex marriage legal, and some counties have begun distributing marriage applications.That has state and local wedding vendors working to market themselves to that new, broader audience as committed same-sex couples begin to plan marriage ceremonies.
Central Minnesota Wedding Association recently offered training to its 70 members. It also plans a gay-friendly photo shoot, where vendors are working together to show same-sex couples modeling their wedding-related wares.
“Response has been overwhelming positive,” said Jake Sturgis, association president. “This is a whole new base of clientele.”
The average cost of a St. Cloud wedding was $19,948 in 2012, according to the Wedding Report, which estimates the wedding industry in the U.S. at $50 billion. The average wedding in Central Minnesota had 158-168 guests.
Several happy couples are interviewed as well as those who are helping to make their special day fabulous.
Bluestem suggests that the Senate District 35 Executive Committee contribute to the economy as well. Anxious about gay summer weddings? Xanax for gay summer weddings is just the thing as it will help the bottom line at both the neighbor drugstore and a giant corporation.
What's not for a Republican to love?
Image: Xanax for gay summer weddings.
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