In the most recent Morrison County Record, ECM Political Editor Howard Lestrud reports on a chat he had with Senate Minority Leader David Hann in Sen. David Hann weighs a possible run in governor race, discusses Legislature issues.
Bluestem readers may remember our last post about Hann, Grove City GOP representative trashes Senate Minority Leader Hann's ed bill talking points. Hann repeats his objections to the education bill just passed, but we'll let retired educator and representative Dean Urdahl (R-Grove City) do the heavy lifting on that.
At least Hann has decided to quit campaigning against kindergarteners, or perhaps Lestrud is simply a kind man.
The rest is the usual anti-labor, anti-government Hann job, except for this:
A strong opponent of the same-sex marriage bill, Hann said he doesn’t believe the majority of the people in the state of Minnesota wanted to see the current marriage law changed.
“I do think it will have far-reaching effects on our culture,” Hann said. He said the amount of discussion on the bill was very limited considering potential effects it will have. Hann said “there was far greater debate and discussion about the Vikings stadium over the past two to three years.”
Issues were not fully vetted and efforts by the opposition were shouted down on the same-sex marriage bill in the course of discussion, Hann said. He said he hopes there is an effort to have more complete consideration of what the effects of this law will be.
While Bluestem can recall wishing that someone would shout Senator Dan Hall down during the state senate debate on marriage equality, that never happened and much like the epic debate on the freedom to debate outside of the legislature, Hall droned on and on. (Joking: the debate in both chambers was civil, if at times a bit awkward. Fox News 9 on the House floor debate here.)
Since David Hann is uninformed about the history of the discussion about marriage equality in Minnesota, we recommend that he consult the resources available at the Minnesota Legislative Law Library. The Star Tribune and MinnPost both created timelines going back to 1972 and 2011, respectively, as well.
However, we think that we can help Hann understand the consequences of marriage equality with the pie chart reproduced at the top of this post.
Chart: Mmmm, a pie chart. We like rhubarb.
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Hann says he is reading Aristotle, and the sciences are mentioned. I hope he realizes that scientific theory has evolved over the past 2300 years.
Posted by: Susan Rego | Jun 12, 2013 at 08:28 AM