Bluestem has been following Islamophobe Brigitte Gabriel's appearances next week in Little Falls and Mankato since early July, when we first posted about the events. The Brainerd Dispatch and St. Cloud Times report develops since our second post, CAIR-MN asks Little Falls schools to not allow tea party to use building for Brigitte Gabriel.
The Dispatch's associate editor Mike O'Rourke reports in CAIR asks L.F. schools to cancel speaker:
. . . Little Falls School District Superintendent Stephen Jones said Wednesday he reviewed the school district policies that were cited in CAIR’s news release with a representative of the Tea Party group and they “signed off in writing” that the presentation would adhere to them. Jones gave no indication the district would cancel the speech at the school. Little Falls School Board Chairperson Sharon Ballou had referred a reporter to Jones for comment.
CAIR Executive Director Lori Saroya said Wednesday the school district had been made aware of her organization’s objections and it had not received a response from the district. Even though school is not in session the fact that the speech is going to be given at that site, Saroya said, sends a message to students.
In its news release, CAIR Executive Director Lori Saroya said: "As Little Falls High School would not and should not allow a racist or anti-Semitic speaker to use its facilities, we ask that school and district officials apply the same standard to an anti-Muslim speaker."
She added that the speech would violate the district's harassment and violence policy which seeks "to maintain learning and working environment that is free from harassment and violence on the basis of ... religion ..." According to CAIR, the policy specifically states the school district should avoid having an "intimidating, hostile or offensive environment." The CAIR news release asserts Gabriel's speech would violate the district's policy on religion which, according to the organization, states: "The school district shall neither promote no disparage any religious beliefs or nonbeliefs." . . .
Read the rest at the Dispatch. The St. Cloud Times reports in Little Falls school district says tea party has agreed to building use policies:
An Islamic civil rights group said Thursday it wants the Little Falls school district to clarify assurances that district policies prohibiting harassment and religious disparagement will not be violated during a Central Minnesota Tea Party event Monday at Little Falls High School.The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations said it will seek clarification after a district official said a tea party group has “signed off in writing” that a scheduled appearance by Brigitte Gabriel, head of the group ACT! for America, will not violate those policies. CAIR-MN describes Gabriel as having anti-Muslim views.
In response to a question from the Times Editorial Board, Little Falls Superintendent Stephen Jones confirmed that the [Central Minnesota Tea Party] group and school had entered into the agreement.. . . CAIR-MN Executive Director Lori Saroya said the civil rights group will monitor the event and will consider filing a federal complaint against the school district if the policies are violated.
The Dispatch noted that the local tea party sponsors are kicking media inquiries to Gabriel's group:
Nancy Judd of the Tea Party group declined to comment on the event and referred a reporter to an email for Guy Rodgers of ACT! for America. Rodgers could not be reached Wednesday.
As of this posting, the Tea Party has made no mention of the Little Falls controversy on its website or blog.
Photo: Little Falls Community High School.
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