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Jul 08, 2013


Frank Hampton

programs and development projects that have been paid for by the Minnesota taxpayers NOT living in the 8th district? I mean Duluth has been a revolving economic development program since I moved to MN 25+ years ago ... not that I am opposed to development to stimulate economic growth but it's been nonstop up there as has been the accompanied whining. Thanks Steward for reminding me why I no longer shop at your Specrapular stores with cheap products from China.


If you watch his awesome video (http://www.bringmethenews.com/2013/01/14/fleet-farm-takes-aim-at-lawmakers-over-gun-issue/) it appears that SM3 is afraid that the gubmint that's giving him handouts today may come after him with guns ablazin tomorrow.


Not to mention the fact that Mills Fleet Farm threatened to kill the Carver store over the height of the sign they were allowed to put in front of it, after the city's Planning Commission rejected their request for a 70-foot sign. That got the City Council's attention, who quickly reversed that on a 4-1 vote.


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