While many Minnesotans took to Facebook to express their dismay over a Florida jury's verdict acquitting George Zimmerman of all charges related to the gunshot death of 17-year-old Trayvon Martin, Minnesota state representative Tony Cornish (R-Vernon Center took to the social media site Sunday morning to blame television for protests planned around the country:
I woke up this morning to listen to the T.V. Media saying this about the scene in Florida. "It's quiet there now, but there is certain to be demonstrations there soon!" There you go liberal media. Hype it up, just like you did the whole case. Stir up trouble. Wow.
On Planet Cornish, no one would ever think of protesting the verdict based on his or her own sense of injustice. Nope, anyone raising objections has to be a dupe of the T.V. media.
The Facebook post will likely earn Cornish the sort of media attention (T.V. or not) he craves on hot button issues.
In 2012, Governor Dayton vetoed the "castle doctrine" bill that Tony Cornish introduced and a Republican-controlled legislature passed. The Strib's Jim Ragsdale reported at the time:
Gov. Mark Dayton vetoed the so-called "castle doctrine" self-defense bill on Monday.
The proposal, supported by the gun-rights groups and opposed by Minnesota's law-enforcement organizations, would have expanded the legal justification for citizens who use deadly force in threatening situations.
The bill, sponsored by Rep. Tony Cornish, R-Good Thunder, and Sen. Gretchen Hoffman, R-Vergas, was the top priority of the National Rifle Association and drew some DFL votes in addition to near-unanimous Republican support. The measure passed by votes of 40-23 in the Senate and 85-47 in the House.
It would have changed the legal definitions of self-defense for someone facing a serious threat in their homes, and would have expanded this "castle doctrine" to cars, motor homes, boats and even tents.
It would have done away with a person's duty to retreat when facing a threat in public places, which supporters called the "stand your ground" concept. [emphasis added] It would also have legalized concealed-weapons permits issued by all states, regardless of their standards in granting permits, and limited the situations in which police can temporarily remove weapons from homes in volatile situations.
Many of Cornish's friends have added their agreement with Cornish's observation this morning, including ALEC-frontman Steve Drazkowski:
Steve Drazkowski Tony, great point. I heard on the news very late last night, one reporter asked the prosecuting attorney this question (paraphrased): 'If the races of the two individuals had been reversed, do you believe that the verdict would have been different?'
Draz's comment is followed by a comment from a dissenting mother:
Niki Thorson There is racism out here people! I agree with most the case was hyped but he got away with a slap on his hands! As a parent I couldn't begain to imagine to find out your son has been shoot. Not because he lives in a bad part of the neighborhood but becsuse he was in a good neighborhood and he looked suspicious! As for criminal who have priors doesn't mean anything its not once you've done some bad you always do bad things. Trayvon is a child lose because someone wanted to play hero. He parents will never see him graduate, go to college, get married and have kids! I think most can agree there was no reason to be shot in the chest!
Cornish and a Facebook friend fight back against that grieving:
Rob Miller ^ Niki if the 17 year old 200 pound Trayvon was slamming your head into the asphalt, you would be singing a different tune.
Tony Cornish Don't hit someone in the face and bang their head on concrete. Hes not a child. Most 17 yr olds get certified adults in court. Cops and Chief tried to tell prosecutor!!
Tony Cornish Nothing to do W/ race
Bluestem suspects that Cornish's last point will be continued to be discussed in that awful T.V. media Cornish so deplores. At the time of this post, 123 people "like" Cornish's post.
UPDATE: Cornish has added a caveat since this post went up:
Tony Cornish Though I believe it was a proper verdict, I wish Zimmerman would have stayed in the damned vehicle! !
The comment is part of the ongoing discussion on representative Cornish's page and not a response to this post.
Images: Screenshots from Representative Cornish's Facebook page.
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Thanks Sally for having the stomach to monitor these people. Poor Charles Blow still can't deal with them nearly twenty-four hours later.
Posted by: Phoenix Woman | Jul 14, 2013 at 03:01 PM