Politics in Minnesota's Mike Mullen concluded Tea Party looks to 2014 revival with this observation from Hennepin County Commissioner and gubernatorial candidate Jeff Johnson:
Having recently attended Tea Party events, Jeff Johnson said he thinks that piece of the GOP has rebounded from the 2012 election losses and that it might have regained some of the vigor that once delivered Republican victories across the country and state.
“They’re energized again, probably a little more like 2010 than 2012,” Johnson said. “I think we’ll see Tea Party groups that are more active next year than they were in the last cycle.”
As if on cue, the Alexandria Lakes Area Tea Party has sent a letter to the editors of the Alexandria Echo Press, offered clarification in Alexandria Lakes Area Tea Party explained. Hilda Betterman of Brandon, Minnesota writes after explaining the logistics of the group:
Our Tea Party group consists of individuals from all walks of life, young and old, male and female. We are not wackos, terrorists, or intolerant; we are not a menace to society or to government. We are a group of concerned citizens who want to ensure that our children, grand-children, friends and neighbors will be able to live in freedom. We celebrate our American heritage by discussing and remembering our founding documents and the writings of our founding fathers. Preservation of our republic as our forefathers envisioned is our focus.
That's a relief to Bluestem, since when we last visited the group, we learned that the Alexandria area tea party launched a prayer offensive to convert George Soros to Christianity.
That they are not wackos will probably allow the Manhattan-based hedge fund manager to sleep comfortably at night. (The petition is no longer visible on the front page of the group's site).
Photo: What's a nice guy like state senator Bill Ingebrigtsen (R-Alexandria) doing in a place like this? (Photo via Alexandria Lakes Area Tea Party Patriots.
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