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Aug 28, 2013


Bill Gilles

Editor's note: An entertaining redirect from the event's organizer, Bluestem had no idea that CFACT is a partisan, Republican organization, but thanks Bill Gilles for bringing noting that this event is a "Reach across the aisle."

Indeed, my point about a union official appearing at a CFACT event wasn't about partisan politics, but about a union official talking to a climate-change denying group that is supported by dark money funders who are also anti-union--and which itself is known to support anti-union positions. Nice attempt at spinning this into a partisan battle, but instead, Gilles' fallacy of distraction demonstrates the problem.

Bluestem thinks that Gilles could readily make a better point, however, if CFACT released an unedited video of the event.

The original note:

"Reach across the aisle" - "Find Consensus" - "Create a Dialogue"

Bluestem response - participate in any of that and go to Hell.

As the organizer of the event, I want to thank Jason for accepting our invitation to speak to our group before he spent the rest of the day at the Local 49er booth at the State Fair. He had the same message for Fair goers as he did for us "find a way that protects the environment and creates these good, family-sustaining jobs.”

He was well received but did have to field polite disagreement from some participants about the Union's endorsement of Obama (George's response - Romney was bad for prevailing wage) and disagreement over Right to Work legislation.

While there existed clear disagreements, in stark contrast to this blog, the tone was civil.

So Bluestem, thank you kindly for exposing your contempt for "Reaching across the aisle" - "Finding Consensus" - and "Creating a Dialogue". We all know now that if anyone on the left ever dares address a group that supports free markets and personal liberty, they will also need to show courage in the face of the 800-lb poo-flinging gorilla on their team.

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