Now that the Facebook pages for You Can Run But You Can't Hide and Sons of Liberty radio have merged, Bluestem only has to check that thang once a week. Of course, there's still his Facebook page, but the material is pretty much the same.
Maybe he's streamlining operations in anticipation of obeying the DC court order and paying Rachel Maddow's legal costs related to his nuisance defamation lawsuit (in online fundraising pitches, he claims what Maddow did to him is so much worse than the Martin/Zimmerman case).
That hyperbolic reach isn't isolated to online begging.
On Thursday, toxic metal preacher Dean posted a link to B. DEAN: What will be your fate, America?, his latest posting at World News Daily. The piece is boldly pitched:
Exclusive: Bradlee Dean challenges 'silent majority' to rise up and 'right the wrongs'
The exclusive begins with the well-known Martin Niemöller quotation about political apathy:
“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out –
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me –
and there was no one left to speak out for me.”– Martin Niemöller
Bradlee Dean warns of horrific history repeating in America if justice is not wrought through We the People . . .
The video that follows opens with news reel footage of Allied soldiers looking at the corpses of Holocaust victims, attacks on Jews, Adolf Hitler and others. He narrates a text about how Jews in Nazi Germany tolerated their growing exclusion from society.
And in Bradlee Dean's world, America is so like that today! He intones:
What do you tolerate in America today? Those who stand for the Constitution, the sanctity of life, and the traditional values of morality our country was founded upon are now labelled as unAmerican haters.
See! We are so headed to another Holocaust!
If this seems familar, it is. Bradlee Dean posted the same "exclusive" content on Youtube on September 6, 2012, 11 months ago, as Study the Past / History Tends to Repeat Itself - Bradlee Dean with the description:
Published on Sep 6, 2012
Unite with the team that is restoring America back to its Biblical foundation and proclaiming liberty throughout the land! Join our team, check out more information, and donate here: video show America the need to learn from history. Tryanny and oppression will repeat itself unless we protect our God-given liberties.
Dean also used the video on WND itself in the January 24, 2013 post, Are we as asleep as the Germans of the '30s?
In April 2013, on News With Views, The Western Center for Journalism (Huffpo has the skinny on that) and other sites, Dean posted WHAT WILL BE YOUR FATE AMERICA?
History may not repeat itself--but Bradlee is going into reruns.
Here's the Youtube:
Photo: Bradlee Dean, in reruns. Bluestem hopes somebody's collecting residuals on this.
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