Modern Drummer Publications, Sonor, Soultone Cymbals, Hornets Drumsticks, Guitammer Corporation and Deadlock have teamed up with toxic metal preacher Bradlee Dean and the Truth for a New Generation Conference on a drum equipment giveaway.
In Bradlee Dean of Junkyard Prophet Wants You to Be a Winner, posted on Modern Drummer's contest and giveaway section, readers learn:
So much so, he’s managed to get the companies he endorses to pony up some great gear!
Grand Prize:
Sonor Safari drumset, Soultone Extreme crash cymbal, Hornets drumsticks, ButtKicker Drum Throne Rig, Deadlock drum pad, Deadlock DVD, and Junkyard Prophet CD The Price
Bradlee Dean of Junkyard Prophet Wants You to Be a Winner
Those who enter the contest will so not have their email addresses shared with other companies or organizations other than the contest sponsors. Young drummers will be relieved--or maybe not--that they won't be spammed by Truth for a New Generation sponsors like Focus on the Family, the American Family Association or Chick-fil-A.
Modern Drummer Publications is located in Cedar Grove, New Jersey, according to the local Patch, so maybe they missed all of that excellent publicity that comes with being associated with Bradlee Dean.
Inquirying minds want to know, of course, whether City Pages' blogger and house drummer will enter the contest, as well as those huge fans on Wonkette's Bradlee Dean beat.
Screenshot: Bradlee Dean Wants You To Be A Winner! from Modern Drummer's website.
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