Toxic metal preacher Bradlee Dean earned a place on Salon's The 8 dumbest things Republicans said — in the past week alone on Tuesday, while a friend sent along a Dean fundraising missive from July in which the rescue of Elizabeth Ilse from a life of career advancement and College Republicanism is the main appeal.
Salon: the gay murder menace
In The 8 dumbest things Republicans said — in the past week alone, Salon Janet Allon reports:
4. Christian radio show hosts: Gays commit half of all murders.
Haters did not confine themselves to race this week. The homophobes were out in force as well. While Gov. Corbett infantilized gays, evangelicals sought to demonize them by spreading outrageous propagandistic lies.
Last Saturday, the hosts of the Minnesota-based radio show “The Sons of Liberty,” Bradlee Dean and Jake McMillan, claimed that homosexuals are responsible for half of all murders committed in large cities. Where they would get such a wildly inaccurate notion, nobody knows. Facts or actual information seldom interfere with the dissemination of hatred.
Dean, who is founder and executive director of a nonprofit Christian youth organization, You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International (wow, doesn’t that Mad Max-inspired name make Christianity seem appealing?), said he was quoting a New York City judge named John Martagh. But, after just a little digging, the Huffington Post revealed the quote came from a 1992 newspaper column by an evangelical loony who never cited his statistical source, but is still quoted from time to time in anti-gay rhetoric. So this is just one of those lies that gets repeated enough it becomes a kind of truth for the liars.
It was off to the races once Dean and McMillan made their initial assertion. All those murderers in the LGBT community are inherently immoral, and so of course they engage in things like murder. It’s on a continuum with their abominable sex acts.
And here Jake told CBS Minnesota at the State Fair that YCR and its staff aren't anti-gay.
Elizabeth Ilse: rescued from alcohol, boys, jobs and studies--and Republicans?
Bluestem isn't sure it's fair to call Dean a Republican these days, as he's scolding the Eisenhower and Bush II administrations in his latest scribblings.
A reader sends along a fundraising appeal from Dean's ministry, embedded below, in which he talks about his ministry's rescue of "Elizabeth," who is identified in other sources as Elizabeth Ilse, once publicity chair of the St. Cloud State University College Republicans:
Let me tell you about Elizabeth (below), one of our staffers. Less than two years ago, our You Can Run But You Cannot Hide ministry came to her college. Our message of Biblical and Constitutional truths intrigued her.
You see, only a month before, she had given her life to Christ, and had prayed that the Lord would
rescue her from a life centered on alcohol, sports, jobs, boys, and studies.And here was our ministry, speaking boldly, holding out a ray of hope — not only for one’s spiritual direction, but for real hope for America. Elizabeth has since joined our staff, and helps others like herself.
Can you help us reach more youth like Elizabeth?
Readers may remember Elizabeth from news coverage of Dean's appearance at SCSU as a guest of the SCSU CRs. The innocent youth served as publicity chair for the campus CRs, according to the University Chronicle; 38 people attended the event, for which Dean was paid $2000, while 97 attended the protest. The state Republican Party threatened CRs that they'd never work again in conservative politics, so it's a good thing YCR rescued this waif amid forces.
Elizabeth wasn't the only College Republican to find a career opportunity as a consequence of Dean's campus performance. Chapter President Adam Ulbricht resigned a week before the event, then as a campus station radio reporter covered the event and controversy he'd help set in motion.
He was personally involved, failed to disclose full extent of involvement, helped push/motivate the story and then personally profited from the coverage (one of his sources on tape appeared to be himself) with his story when he received journalism awards. He now works for Watchdog Wire, the Franklin Center dark money-funded service.
It's good thing these waifs weren't destroyed by the Republican Party or get forced into a life of gay murder.
Here's the invitation:
Photos: Bradlee Dean speaking to 38 people at SCSU, sponsored by the College Republicans (above); Elizabeth Ilse, still wearing her 2012 CPAC badge around her neck, a Republican youth Dean rescued from a life of boys and studies. Via Twitter. (below).
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